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Russian Central Depositary Fully Operational 30 March 2013

19.11.2012 16:07 / «Kommersant-Online»

The Russian Central Depositary will become fully operational starting from 30 March 2013, Head of Federal Financial Markets Service (FFMS) Dmitry Pankin told the press 19 November.

“In the near future, we expect central depositary software to be tested, central depositary accounts at registrars and foreign custodian nominee accounts at the central depositary opened”, said Pankin. He noted that these procedures may take up several months and everything should be in place by 30 March so that “actual foreign nominee account transactions will commence”.

He added that as early as in December, National Settlement Depositary, recently granted central depositary status, will begin to service sovereign bonds, quotes Prime News Agency.

Trading infrastructureProject Group №1Dmitry Pankin